I Am Now Halfway To Death (according to the USGovt)

In fact, I’m already a few years closer to death. So I’m officially now “mostly dead”.

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I just didn’t get the memo.

At age 42 years, 8 months… I only have 39.3 years left to live according to the “Retirement and Survivor Benefits” calculator available at the Social Secuirty Online site of the Governments need data in order to run efficiently. Further, many of our most common, institutional platforms like retirement and social security require that we have a solid foundation in our data.

Life expectancy varies by gender, geography, and a host of healtcare metrics (that aren’t part of this calculator). There are also drastic differences in how companies “smooth” their data, which means they sometimes throw out the outliers (those that die way too young or the centenarians).

Here’s my miserable table of numeric demise:

I’m on the decline.

But data can be a bit cruel in its efficiency. It’s not pleasant to think that the government believes I’m halfway “over” as it were. That said, data is changing the way we live our lives and care for ourselves.

Health and fitness trackers, dietary planning and diet, healthcare testing and scans, and literally thousands of other datasets (like how we slept last night) are helping us take control of our own “death tables”.

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